Breakfast After The Bell

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Breakfast After The Bell Program

Offered To All Full-Day Students at Zion District 6

In 2016, the Illinois General Assembly passed Breakfast After The Bell legislation ensuring Illinois schools with 70% or more of the student population eligible for free or reduced-priced meals will begin offering breakfast as part of the school day. Breakfast in the school cafeteria before school starts doesn’t reach most students, therefore the Breakfast After The Bell program ensures all students have access 
to a healthy breakfast to start the day. 

Delivery Models 

PreK—5th Grade Students

Breakfast is delivered to each classroom after school begins. Students eat breakfast in the classroom during the first 10-15 minutes of the day when activities (i.e. attendance, turning in assignments, morning announcements) are occurring.  

6th-8th Grade Students

Students pick-up bagged or boxed breakfast from mobile carts or designated areas.  Students eat breakfast in their homeroom 
class classroom during the first 10-15 minutes of the day.  

Late Arriving Students

A break, at some point between breakfast and lunch, will be provided for students to have access to breakfast.

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